Collages | Analog or Digital ?
I take both!
Collages | Analog or Digital?
I take both!
When it comes to collages (or art in generell) I´m a huge supporter of mixing analog and digital techniques.
Pencil and Paper are as important as a Laptop and an image edditing software. At least my artwork types are profiting from each other. And it makes a lot more fun to mix and match different stylez and techniques.
When it comes to collages (or art in generell) I´m a huge supporter of mixing analog and digital techniques.
Pencil and Paper are as important as a Laptop and an image edditing software. At least my artwork types are profiting from each other. And it makes a lot more fun to mix and match different stylez and techniques.
May I introduce to you
May I introduce to you
I really enjoy trying out new things. This experimental video collages arised during my trip through Poland! Where I had no time for analog ones ‘cause of adventuring! ;) So I started this digital sketchbook series which is telling the story of distant countries, the baltic sea and my short time career as pirate. Arrrrrr!
"Always be yourself! Unless you can be a pirate. Than always be a pirate!" , am I right?
I really enjoy trying out new things. This experimental video collages arised during my trip through Poland! Where I had no time for analog ones ‘cause of adventuring! ;) So I started this digital sketchbook series which is telling the story of distant countries, the baltic sea and my short time career as pirate. Arrrrrr!
"Always be yourself! Unless you can be a pirate. Than always be a pirate!" , am I right?
Analog collages from the series:
I ATE YOUR GOD - curious new goodhood
Analog collages from the series:
I ATE YOUR GOD - curious new goodhood
Collage and Augemnted Reality Artwork | 70x50cm | 2019 | Titel: I ATE YOUR GOD. | Or is he/she eating me? Godess Instagram and her BFF Facebook are definitely having a piece of me every single day. XD
Collage and Augemnted Reality Artwork | 70x50cm | 2019 | Titel: I ATE YOUR GOD. | Or is he/she eating me? Godess Instagram and BFF Facebook are definitely having a piece of me every single day. XD
Inspired by the series 'Gods of America' and a sticker that says 'I ATE YOUR GOD' (can you find it?) a collage series was born, that asks one question:
In God? In Likes? In Follower? A curious new godhood is raised by us and here are some examples for it :
NO FACE |Analog Collage | 30x21cm | 2019 | Inspired by the hungry spirit in Hayao Miyazaki's movie Spirited Away, who´s personality depents on his surroundings. So better don´t be greedy or ruuunnnnnnn! He will devour you with neck and crop. A perfect representation of our society.
NO FACE |Analog Collage | 30x21cm | 2019 | Inspired by the hungry spirit in Hayao Miyazaki's movie Spirited Away, who´s personality depents on his surroundings. So better don´t be greedy or ruuunnnnnnn! He will devour you with neck and crop. A perfect representation of our society.
Augmented Reality in the Studio | 2019 |
READY FOR TAKE OFF | Analog Collage | 70x50cm | 2019 | is the spirit of travel and selfdiscovery. A spirit that causes wanderlust and a strong desire to travel. Why? Because we believe that travel is the only thing we can buy, that makes us richer, happier, wiser & opens up a way for us to find ourselves.
But is it than a new school divinity, that we can just find inside of us, believing/trusting in our journeys and our decisions? Or should this spirit be classified as one of the deities of travellers that are existing since we‘re praying to gods?
SPIRIT OF CONNECTION |Analog Collage | 70x50 cm | 2019 | whether with or without WIFI. A Spirit that is as new age as it is from the old school. It uses every possible mouthpiece . And he/she/it is doing well cause everything is connected to each other. There´s WIFI in the air and love, as much as fresh possibilities, music and the smell of spring ...
THE HOLY ALGORITHM |Analog Collage | 70x50cm | 2019 | Definitely a new age godess a lot of us believe in and care about! She is very unpredictable & unstable. You never know which offerings this virtual spirit desires tomorrow and if you’re still welcome in her world wide temple.