a visual artist based in Graz / Austria,
who loves to collage, draw and explore
(sur)realities in art and life.
Lately I experiment with augmented reality, which makes it
possible for me to expand analog artworks into digital spaces.
Commissions? Collaborations?
Just drop a message to this address:
I`m a visual artist based in Graz, Austria
who loves to collage, draw and explore
(sur)realities in art and life.
Lately I´m experimenting with Augmented Reality too.
So my analog artworks have expanded.
Commissions? Collaborations? Just send me a message. (:
For more personal Data scrall down.
pencil drawing on paper | 240x140 cm |expanded digitaly with augmented reality |
Wanna try it yourself?
No probem. Just install the free app artivive and view the artwork to your left through your smartphone.
Wanna try it yourself?
No probem. Just install the free app artivive and view the artwork to
your left through your smartphone.
Wanna try it yourself?
No probem. Just install the free app artivive and view the artwork above through your smartphone.
Here you can download the app.
Have fun with it! (:
Here you can download the app.
Have fun with it! (:
Interested in artworks?
Feel free to message me or my gallerist Roberto Grill.
Interested in artworks?
Feel free to message me or my gallerist Roberto Grill.
If you prefer to shop online, this is the button for you:
2022 | Roberto Grill at Galerie Grill, Bürgergasse 5 in Graz. Fotocredit by Nicole Wogg
2022 | Roberto Grill at Galerie Grill, Bürgergasse 5 in Graz. Fotocredit by Nicole Wogg
Born 1986 in Graz, Austria
studied in Vienna @ the University of the Applied Arts | Painting, experimental Animation Film and Tapestry |
& in the Netherlands @ HKU Universtiy of the Arts Utrecht | Painting | (Where I lived on a houseboat and became mobile home addicted. As you will detect in some drawings. ;) )
I´m aducated in sculpting as well.
Born 1986 in Graz, Austria
Studied in Vienna @ the University of the Applied Arts | Painting, Animation Movie and Tapestry |
& in the Netherlands @ the HKU Universtiy of the Arts Utrecht | Painting | (Where I lived on a houseboat and became mobile home addicted. As you will detect in some drawings. ;) )
I´m aducated in sculpting as well.
Fotocredit by Markus Himberger
Fotocredit by Markus Himberger
Since 2005 I show my drawings, collages, objects and animations in
Austria ( Architektur Zentrum Wien, Forum Frohner Krems, Joanneum Graz )
and abroad ( Berlin, Warschau, Paris, Utrecht, Belgium ).
Since 2005 I´m showing my drawings, collages, objects and animations in Austria ( Architektur Zentrum Wien, Forum Frohner Krems, Joanneum Graz ) and abroad ( Berlin, Warschau, Paris, Utrecht, Belgium ).
Since 2007 single- and group exhibiotns in Austria ( Architektur Zentrum Wien, Forum Frohner Krems, Joanneum Graz ) and abroad ( Berlin, Warschau, Paris, Utrecht, Belgium).
2023 | Lines and Shades. Urban Styles | Group Exhibition | Kunsthalle Graz
Böse Kunst | Group Exhibition | Showroom Roter Keil | Graz
Sommerpräsentation | Group Exhibition | Galerie Grill | Graz
2022 |Fragmented Realities |Single Exhibition | Galerie Grill | Graz
2021 | Negotiate Reality 2.0 | Single Exhibition | Aeijst Gin Destillerie | Styria |
Parallel Vienna | Single Exhibtion | Invited Artist Statement *so proud |
Mood: Goldfischglas | Single Exhibition | RC- Showroom Volkstheater | Vienna |
Different Strokes Art Festival | Group Exhibition | Belgium
2020 | Layers of Reality | Single Exhibition | Theater Kürbis Wies Eibiswald |
Art Yourself Festival for Equality, Sexuality, Acceptance | Groupexhibtion | Vienna |
Negotiate Reality | Single Exhibiton | Kunstcafé Vergissmeinnicht Graz & Aeijst Pale Gin Distillery |
Nichts kann so surreal sein wie die Realität | Single Exhibition| Theater Kürbis Wies Eibiswald |
2019 |#pinkplayground Josef Manner & Comp. AG | Group Exhibition | Fifteenseconds Festival Graz |
20 Years Galerie Marenzi Leibnitz | Group Exhibition |
2018 | Parallel Vienna | Single Exhibition with Galerie Marenzi Leibnitz |
2016 | On the road to everywhere , Mobile Homes | Single Exhibtion | Red Carpet Showroom,
Karlsplatz and Volkstheater Vienna |
2015 | BeZeichnen | Group Exhibition | Periscope Salzburg |
2013 | New Frontiers, Experimental Tendencies in Architecture / Zeichnen | Group Exhibtion |
Forum Frohner Krems | Kunsthalle Krems | AzW Architekturzentrum Wien | Galerie d' Architecture Paris |
2012 |New Frontiers, Experimental Tendencies in Architecture/ Zeichnen | Group Exhibition |
Galerie Aedes am Pfefferberg Berlin |
2011 | Dezimal Place | Group Exhibtion | Galerie Mlodych Twórców Warschau |
2007 | Rezipieren | Group Exhibition | Joanneum Graz & Kunsthaus Köflach |
2022 |Fragmented Realities |Single Exhibition | Galerie Grill | Graz
2021 | Negotiate Reality 2.0 | Single Exhibition | Aeijst Gin Destillerie | Styria |
Parallel Vienna | Single Exhibtion | Invited Artist Statement *so proud |
Mood: Goldfischglas | Single Exhibition | RC- Showroom Volkstheater | Vienna |
Different Strokes Art Festival | Group Exhibition | Belgium
2020 | Layers of Reality | Single Exhibition | Theater Kürbis Wies Eibiswald |
Art Yourself Festival for Equality, Sexuality, Acceptance | Groupexhibtion | Vienna |
Negotiate Reality | Single Exhibiton | Kunstcafé Vergissmeinnicht Graz & Aeijst Pale Gin Distillery |
Nichts kann so surreal sein wie die Realität | Single Exhibition| Theater Kürbis Wies Eibiswald |
2019 |#pinkplayground Josef Manner & Comp. AG | Group Exhibition | Fifteenseconds Festival Graz |
20 Years Galerie Marenzi Leibnitz | Group Exhibition |
2018 | Parallel Vienna | Single Exhibition with Galerie Marenzi Leibnitz |
2016 | On the road to everywhere , Mobile Homes | Single Exhibtion | Red Carpet Showroom,
Karlsplatz and Volkstheater Vienna |
2015 | BeZeichnen | Group Exhibition | Periscope Salzburg |
2013 | New Frontiers, Experimental Tendencies in Architecture / Zeichnen | Group Exhibtion |
Forum Frohner Krems | Kunsthalle Krems | AzW Architekturzentrum Wien | Galerie d' Architecture Paris |
2012 |New Frontiers, Experimental Tendencies in Architecture/ Zeichnen | Group Exhibition |
Galerie Aedes am Pfefferberg Berlin |
2011 | Dezimal Place | Group Exhibtion | Galerie Mlodych Twórców Warschau |
2007 | Rezipieren | Group Exhobition | Joanneum Graz & Kunsthaus Köflach |
2022 |Fragmented Realities |Single Exhibition | Galerie Grill | Graz
2021 | MOOD Goldfischglas, RC-Showroom Volkstheater || Different Strokes Festival Belgium |
2020 | Art Yourself Festival for Equality, Sexuality, Acceptance | Vienna || Negotiate Reality | Kunstcafé Vergissmeinnicht Graz & Aeijst Pale Gin Distillery || Layers of Reality & Nichts kann so surreal sein wie die Realität | Kürbis Wies Eibiswald|
2019 | Fifteenseconds Festival Graz | 20 Years Galerie Marenzi Leibnitz |
2018 | Parallel Vienna |
2016 | On the road to everywhere , Mobile Homes | Red Carpet Showroom Karlsplatz and Volkstheater Vienna |
2015 | BeZeichnen | Periscope Salzburg |
2013 | New Frontiers, Experimental Tendencies in Architecture / Zeichnen |Forum Frohner Krems | Kunsthalle Krems | AzW Architekturzentrum Wien | Galerie d' Architecture Paris |
2012 |New Frontiers, Experimental Tendencies in Architecture/ Zeichnen |Galerie Aedes am Pfefferberg Berlin |
2011 | Dezimal Place | Galerie Mlodych Twórców Warschau |
2007 | Rezipieren | Joanneum Graz und Kunsthaus Köflach |
2023 | Nomination of Strabag Art Awards |
2021 | Förderung zur Struktursicherung des Bundesministeriums für Kunst und Kultur, Sektion IV |
2020 | Project funding from the city of Graz and the province of Styria |
2019 | Purchase of Soroptimist -Club Leibnitz|
2017 | Purchase of the city Graz |
2016 | Winner of the Red Carpet Art Award |
| Purchase of Sammlung der Gesellschaft der Freunde der bildenden Künste |
| Purchase of Sammlung Cserni |
2015 | Purchase of Bundeskanzleramtes |
| Nomination of Koschatzky Kunstpreises |
| Nomination of Strabag Art Awards |
2023 | Nominierung des Strabag Art Awards |
2021 | Förderung zur Struktursicherung des Bundesministeriums für Kunst und Kultur, Sektion IV |
2020 | Projektförderung der Stadt Graz und des Landes Stmk |
2019 | Ankauf des Soroptimist -Club Leibnitz|
2017 | Ankauf der Stadt Graz |
2016 | Gewinnerin des Red Carpet Art Award |
| Ankauf in die Sammlung der Gesellschaft der Freunde der bildenden Künste |
| Ankauf der Sammlung Cserni |
2015 | Ankauf des Bundeskanzleramtes |
| Nominierung des Koschatzky Kunstpreises |
| Nominierung des Strabag Art Awards |
2023 | Nominierung des Strabag Art Awards |
2021 | Förderung zur Struktursicherung des Bundesministeriums für Kunst und Kultur, Sektion IV |
2020| Projektförderung der Stadt Graz und des Landes Steiermark
2019 | Ankauf des Soroptimist -Club Leibnitz|
2017 | Ankauf der Stadt Graz |
2016 | Gewinnerin des Red Carpet Art Award | Ankauf in die Sammlung der Gesellschaft der Freunde der bildenden Künste | Ankauf der Sammlung Cserni |
2015 | Ankauf des Bundeskanzleramtes | Nominierung des Koschatzky Kunstpreises |Nominierung des Strabag Art Awards |